SAUDI ARABIA: Families Coming to Faith

Source: Operation Mobilization, March 4, 2014

We’re hearing of women and whole families coming to Christ, which is significant. Normally we would know of individual men but, as the culture places such importance on the family unit, this is a major step forward.Two of Fadila’s sisters and one brother were in the US and came to Christ through the love and ministry of an American. One sister sent her an email explaining the gospel and her own testimony; when Fadila read it, she immediately believed. She had had a dream the previous night about her sister, but didn’t know that she was a believer. She was so amazed at this coincidence that she visited her sister in the US, and her husband came along because he wanted to understand what was going on. He met with the man who had discipled the family and was satisfied that it was OK for his wife and the others to continue in their faith. They returned to Saudi Arabia and she is quite open in sharing her faith.

ยป Read full story. Follow this series to learn more from the hearts of Christian workers in the Arab World who have invested decades in understanding and loving their Arab neighbors.


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